Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview 2 este disponibil și aduce câteva îmbunătățiri importante

Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview 2 a fost lansat astăzi pentru Huawei Watch și LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition și poate fi descărcat AICI.

Cităm mai jos changelog-ul, așa cum este prezentat pe Android Developers Blog:

  • Platform API 24 - We have incremented the Android Platform API version number to 24 to match Nougat. You can now update your Android Wear 2.0 Preview project’s compileSdkVersion to API 24, and we recommend that you also update targetSdkVersion to API 24.
  • Wearable Drawers Enhancements - We launched the wearable drawers as part of the Android Wear 2.0 Preview 1, along with UX guidelines on how to best integrate the navigation drawer and action drawer in your Android Wear app. In Preview 2, we have added additional support for wearable drawer peeking, to make it easier for users to access these drawers as they scroll. Other UI improvements include automatic peek view and navigation drawer closure and showing the first action in WearableActionDrawer’s peek view. For developers that want to make custom wearable drawers, we’ve added peek_view and drawer_content attributes to WearableDrawerView. And finally, navigation drawer contents can now be updated by calling notifyDataSetChanged.
  • Wrist Gestures: Since last year, users have been able to scroll through the notification stream via wrist gestures. We have now opened this system to developers to use within their applications. This helps improve single hand usage, for when your users need their other hand to hold onto their shopping or their kids. See the code sample below to get started with gestures in your app:

Pentru utilizatorii obișnuiți, care spre deosebire de dezvoltatori nu pun mare preț pe modificările de mai sus, există, de asemenea, câteva schimbări. Au fost introduse posibilități de personalizare a fețelor de ceas cu fundaluri animate, fotografii proprii. Interfața de utilizator pentru Setări a fost complet redesenată pentru a se potrivi mai mult cu rama circulară a ceasurilor, iar meniurile individuale de setări au un aspect nou.

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